Nevada Can Not Close Gun Stores

Nevada Can Not Close Gun Stores

NRS 414.155 which PROHIBIT the closure of any gun store in the State of Nevada.

Admitted To Practice Law Telephone: (702) 388-2047
In California & Nevada Telefax: (855) 459-8472
Cellular: 702-409-8239

March 24, 2020

Honorable Steve Sisolak Governor of the State of Nevada

Honorable Debra March Mayor, City of Henderson, Nevada

Honorable Aaron Ford Nevada Attorney General

Honorable Joseph Lombardo Sheriff, Clark County, Nevada

Honorable Thedrick Andres Chief of Police, Henderson, Nevada

RE: Invocation of NRS 414.155 as a Demand for Cessation of Warnings, Citations, and/or Threats of Closures to Gun Stores

Governor Sisolak:

* You and your staff are respectfully advised of the specific
provisions of NRS 414.155 which PROHIBIT the closure of any gun store in the State of Nevada. This specific Nevada Statute is a limitation on your authority under your Emergency Powers as well as pursuant to your March 20, 2020 Declaration of Emergency Directive 003.
* NRS 414.155 provides in full:
“NRS 414.155 Limitations on emergency powers relating to firearms. Pursuant to Amendment II of the Constitution of the United States and Section 11 of Article 1 of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, the emergency powers conferred upon the Governor and upon the executive heads or
governing bodies of the political subdivisions of this State must not be construed to allow:
* The confiscation of a firearm from a person unless the
    person is:
    (a) In unlawful possession of the firearm; or
    (b) Unlawfully carrying the firearm; or
* The imposition of additional restrictions as to the lawful
possession, transfer, sale, carrying, storage, display or use of:
    (a) Firearms;
    (b) Ammunition; or
    (c) Components of firearms or ammunition.
    (Added to NRS by 2007, 358)”
* The undersigned represents Gun Store A in Henderson, Nevada and Gun Store B in Las Vegas, Nevada. These clients are concerned that theExecutive Branch of the State of Nevada has exceeded its authority by anORDER to close such businesses, as these businesses are NOT specifically identified in your March 20, 2020 Declaration of Emergency Directive 003 and are NOT specifically identified in the list of NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES, made public on or after March 20, 2020.    

* NRS 414.155 acts as a statutory limitation on your authority during an emergency, and the reference to Nevada Attorney General Opinion Number 95-03 is irrelevant in that the Nevada Legislature unanimously approved NRS 414.155 during the 2007 Legislative Session.
* There are NO statutory exceptions to the prohibitions in Subsection 2 of NRS 414.155 so therefore, the March 20, 2020 Declaration of Emergency Directive 003 cannot be construed to apply to Gun Stores as NON-ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES.
* My clients do not doubt your motives during this time of crisis, but the Legislative History of NRS 414.155 conclusively demonstrates that our Nevada Senate and our Nevada Assembly were mindful of the problems associated with “…[t]he imposition of additional restrictions as to the lawful possession, transfer, sale, carrying, storage, display or use of:
    (a) Firearms;
    (b) Ammunition; or
    (c) Components of firearms or ammunition…”,
as specifically referenced in NRS 414.155.
* In accordance with the specific provisions of NRS 414.155,
my clients specifically demand:
    A. The cessation of any and all attempts to WARN
         any licensed gun store of its failure to halt
         business operations;
    B. The cessation of any impending or actual
                   issuance of any citation,
        whether administrative or criminal, to licensed
         guns stores;
    C. The cessation of any threats to cancel,
                   suspend, withdraw any business license of
                   any licensed gun store;
    D. The cessation of any cancellation, suspension,
         and/or withdrawal any
                   business license of any licensed gun store.
* My clients request IMMEDIATE compliance with NRS 414.155. My clients are currently suffering injury so appropriate legal action will  be considered in a court of competent jurisdiction.    
* I may be reached on my direct cellular at 702-409-8239.

Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Donald J. Green
Donald J. Green, Esq.
Lawyer & Counselor At Law
4760 South Pecos Road, Suite 103
Las Vegas, Nevada 89121

First published in Great Basin Highway Magazine Volume 2 Issue 3 Apil/June 2020 and then published forever in the Nevada Firearms magazine  and Nevada Outdoors Magazine